Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Service Project: Environmental Waste Management

     In the city of Gainesville Florida there have been many community issues such as recycling for people who haven't had as many chances as the things we take for granted. Recycling can

affect everyone in our community. Many people say they are too busy for recycling or to think of anyone but themselves. The truth is recycling can affect everyone because it can bring down land and water waste to help us have a healthier environment to live in, it also can give us a larger supply of materials by reusing others. You can see how these things can be a problem on websites or newspapers such as "The Gainesville Sun" and the "City of Gainesville" for information on more reasons for why recycling affects our community. There are many people and groups working to make our community a better place even now! All you really need to do is start recycling or picking up waste from the side of the road to start affecting the community in your own way. For many years now the land and water waste has been continually building up at a high rate and with the help of you and others this problem can stop for many years if others can be convinced of how this can be for everyone's own good. Opening a service that can help community issues (Such as recycling or housing) would be a great way to get more people involved with these serious problems we face today.
Even today I went to our neighborhood ditches and picked up some recyclable items that I found there.
It doesn't even take extremely large ideas to make a difference in your community.  This issue has been a problem for around centuries and is just starting to slow down thanks to all the people that find it a
A good cause to recycle and promote the general welfare of the whole community. Many places in the world have become horribly polluted and are nearly unlivable. In many areas it gets worse each day that goes by. Thankfully there are many groups that help prevent this.  I'm getting together a small group to help remove this waste just sitting and accumulating for the welfare of ourselves and others. The waste is  destroying even animal habitats in which they need to survive. A few examples of the waste are these photos in which I pulled from the nearby ditches in our neighborhood. It is a terrible problem that people don't even care about the environment that they live in.  To make the project better we could expand our reaches and look around town to pick up all kinds of things to recycle or throw away as a large cleanup job. This project has helped me to realize what kind of problems that can take your society extremely quickly and may seem a lot smaller than it really is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Posted in Discussion Group: 1. This is a GREAT idea! Waste is a big problem in our society &  2. Great Idea there have been many cases that I have seen or heard about that include the safety of community great job!                                            

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